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Account Information

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Additional Information

*Please Check
Unmarried (including single, divorced, and widowed)

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*Are there any unsatisfied judgements against you? Yes No
*Are you a comaker, endorser, or guarantor on any loan or contract? Yes No
*Have you been declared bankrupt in the last 10 years? Yes No

Legal Description of Property: (Ex. Lot, Block, Phase, if applicable)

Everything that I stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to report any changes to my credit history that are not included on this report. I understand that you will retain this application whether or not it is approved. Santee Cooper is hereby authorized to check my credit and employment history and to answer questions about my credit experience with Santee Cooper. I also understand that under this program Santee Cooper offers no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, on the workmanship or performance of the conservation measures or associated equipment.

By checking this box, you confirm that you have read and agree with the above statement.