All meter hubs need to be properly marked (e.g., unit number, lot number, street number, etc.). Santee Cooper is not responsible for marking meter bases. Meters will not be set in the meter bases that are known to be incorreclty marked or not marked at all.
Proof of building is required for:
Service Timeframe: One (1) working day if only a meter is needed, up to ten (10) working days if installation of overhead service is needed or up to fourteen (14) working days if installation of underground service is needed.
Accounts require a deposit based on two highest consecutive billing periods at your new service location, but no less than $100. Your deposit will be refunded to your account after 13 months of timely payments or once your account is closed, whichever occurs first.
An acceptable credit check may be considered in lieu of the deposit.
* I hereby apply to Santee Cooper for electrical service in accordance with the "Terms and Conditions" and applicable rate schedules. Copies may be obtained at retail offices or online at